
Religious Education is delivered through a variety of approaches such as topic assemblies, visiting speakers and links with the local community. It is an integral part of school life, promoting the sharing of thoughts and ideas which encourage pupils to value themselves and show care and understanding towards others.
At PCA we use the Equals scheme of work that has been devised by teachers who have an expertise in Religious Education. This scheme illustrates the different ways in which teachers can develop Religious Education learning opportunities to respond to the specific needs and priorities of the children, their communities and the schools themselves. It also builds on children's experiences and earlier learning from the foundation stage.
Religion is the experience and the expression of faith. Learning about religion and learning from religion are important for all pupils, as RE helps pupils develop an understanding of themselves and others. RE promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of individuals, and of groups and communities. The Equals scheme of work introduces pupils to teachings and practices of principal religions including Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism. Pupils learn and develop skills such as how to debate, form opinions and analyse ideas. Parents wishing to withdraw their child from assemblies are invited to discuss the matter with the head teacher.
A daily act of worship takes place in the school hall before lunch.  This can be a prayer or a simple reflection delivered by a member of staff or a pupil.  

Our Vision for RE

At PCA the experiences and outcomes for our pupils through Religious Education will provide opportunities for personalisation and choice, depth and reflection. It will promote self-respect and respect for others, pupils will understand that people are different and can have different values beliefs and choices. It will promote self-confidence and encourage pupils to express their own values beliefs and choices. 

RE Golden Threads

  1. To learn about beliefs and religions and recognise religion as an important expression of human experience
  2. Develop respect for others and an understanding of beliefs and practices which are different from their own
  3. Learn about and from the beliefs, values, practices and traditions of the world religions selected for study and their traditions.
  4. To make a positive difference to the world by putting their beliefs and values into action
  5. To explore and establish values such as justice and compassion and be able to reflect upon their actions with empathy for others. 

RE Curriculum Key Stage 1-3

Key Stage 4

Pupils in Key Stage 4 work towards an Entry Level qualification in Humanities. In order to provide some differentiation, all Humanities units are offered at Entry 2 level and Entry 3 level – pupils will be entered for the most appropriate Level. The learning outcomes are the same for each,  but the assessment criteria are more challenging at Entry 3. As part of this qualification they have a dedicated RE lesson each week. The course is made up of different units , each with its own specification. These units are intended to be open to candidates of any religious persuasion or none. The course is designed to consider spiritual, moral, ethical, cultural, and citizenship issues. Units that are currently taught at PCA include:

  • Important ceremonies in life and death
  • Effects of consumerism
  • Places of worship
  • Prejudice and discrimination against people
  • Religious festivals and celebrations