
Walk in the community

Image of Walk in the community

5M took Daisy the therapy dog for a walk to the local shop. We used the zebra crossing to cross the road safely, well done 5M.

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 6 September 2024

Category: Sixth Form 2024-2025


EURO 2024 Prediction winner

Image of EURO 2024 Prediction winner

Well done Sevannah, for picking the winning team at Euro 2024! Unfortunately England couldn't bring football home, but it was still a good day for Sevannah who wins the 'very prestigious' 4H football prediction competition!! 

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 15 July 2024

Category: 4H 2023-2024


Rock on!

Image of Rock on!

Some of 4H have been practicing on the drum kit this afternoon, after a busy week we have had a stress releasing drum session this friday afternoon, Rock on 4H!

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 5 July 2024

Category: 4H 2023-2024


Arcimboldo Art

Image of Arcimboldo Art

We have been continuing with our Arcimboldo inspired masks today, the pupils have moved onto adding fruit n vegetables onto the mask, well done 4H!!

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 5 July 2024

Category: 4H 2023-2024


Marshmallow Towers

Image of Marshmallow Towers

Today class 4H have been constructing towers from toothpicks and marshmallows, there was a competition to see who could build the tallest and the winner was Liam! Well done Liam!!

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 27 June 2024

Category: 4H 2023-2024


Volunteering- Planting seeds

Image of Volunteering- Planting seeds

This week 4H have continued volunteering around school, this afternoon we got our tools and dug out the large planters outside the Jubilee building. We have planted lots of seeds which will hopefully grow into lovely, bright flowers.

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 25 June 2024

Category: 4H 2023-2024


Volunteer clean up

Image of Volunteer clean up

Our superstar year 10 volunteers have helped to clean up the Key Stage 1 playground. We used our tools and wheelbarrow to brush up the leaves and grass and picked up any rubbish we could find. Then we tidied and arranged the play equipment, well done 4H!

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 20 June 2024

Category: 4H 2023-2024


Plastercine Arcimboldo masks

Image of Plastercine Arcimboldo masks

In todays Art lesson we have continued with our Arcimboldo theme by starting to make masks using plastercine. This morning we have started to layer on top of a plastic mask with our choice of coloured plastercine, next week we will add our fruit shaped plastercine to create our designs.

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 20 June 2024

Category: 4H 2023-2024


Plastercine shapes and fruit

Image of Plastercine shapes and fruit

Today class 4H have been manipulating plastercine in to different shapes such as swirls and various fruit inspired shapes. We then moved onto using tools to cut and roll into our desired shapes. Well done 4H!!

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 14 June 2024

Category: 4H 2023-2024


Resilience, citizenship and relationship ls

Image of Resilience, citizenship and relationship ls

Our year 10s have been working on their resilience, citizenship and relationships with Blackpool Football Club Community Trust. They have been doing group work, discussing each issue and producing work and art around what each one means to them. Well done 4H!

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 10 June 2024

Category: 4H 2023-2024


Music production

Image of Music production

Year 11 music group are producing their own tracks this week using a music production app at Blackpool University Centre. They have learnt how to layer different instruments to make their own track. 

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 24 May 2024

Category: 4J 2023-2024


Music group

Image of Music group

Year 11 music group are producing their own tracks this week using a music production app at Blackpool University Centre. They have learnt how to layer different instruments to make their own track.

Posted by /blog/author/NiBlair on 24 May 2024

Category: 4M 2023-2024