
Functional English

Image of Functional English

As part of PFA students at the Oracle made individual lists of their favourite sandwiches. Today we went to the show & independently selected the items we needed. 
During Fridays lesson students will have a partner & give instructions out on how they can make them their favourite…

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

KS5 English Learning outside the classroom Communication


Achievers of the week

Image of Achievers of the week

Our achievers of the week in 4S are Louis and Mickey!!!

They both worked really hard with their communication this week, well done!!!!

Category: 4S 2023-2024

Communication Achiever of the week


Resilience and interpersonal skills

Image of Resilience and interpersonal skills

We have been working on our resilience and interpersonal skills.

We were given some puzzles to complete by Mrs Swift. We then had to show resilience by completing the puzzle and not giving up.

If we needed help we had to speak to our friends and ask them for help.

It was lots of fun. Well…

Category: 4S 2023-2024

Communication Resilience


World Smile Day

Image of World Smile Day

Category: 2A 2023-2024

key stage 2 Communication Mental health